Improved node setup and monitoring for the validator of the Agoric testnet

John Doe
2 min readMar 31, 2021

I have set up a node for the agoric testnet on my dedicated server with Ubuntu 20.04 according to the official validator guide, but with some improvements:

  1. I have created a separate user and installed GO into it’s home directory, to prevent interfiering with any other software installed on the server uses GO from the /usr/local:

curl | sudo tar -C/home/agoric -zxvf -

export GOROOT=$HOME/go

2. I have changed a default listen ports of validator and RPC to another. This will require to set up additional parameter for the ag-cosmos-helper to use non-default port:

-n tcp://HOST:PORT

--node tcp://HOST:PORT

3. I have increased a open files limit at the systemd unit, because default value of 4096 could be ok at the start of the network, but later it could be suddenly hit the limit:


4. Protect prometheus metrics ports by the firewall, left access only for the whitelisted IPs. There is an example for the 9464 port:

iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 9464 <ALLOWED IP> -j ACCEPT

iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 9464 -j DROP

5. And the most important part: I have set up a monitoring with telegram bot notifications. This shell script below will check status of the validator with selected moniker, and send a message throught the telegram bot if validator is jaled:


time=`date “+%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M”`

check=`ag-cosmos-helper query — node tcp://localhost:28657 staking validators --output json | jq ‘.validators[] | select(.description.moniker==”johndoe”) | .jailed’ | grep -v false`

if [ -z “$check” ]
echo “$time: agoric node is OK” >> /home/scripts/agoric.log
/usr/bin/curl -s -X POST -d chat_id=CHAT_ID -d text=”agoric validator is jailed”;
echo “$time: agoric node is jailed” >> /home/scripts/agoric.log

Where botXXXXXXXXXXX is the telegram bot name, TELEGRAM_API_KEY is a bot api key and CHAT_ID is the id of the chat beetween bot and you. More detailed info about creating a telegram bot is described at the telegram faq:

Shell script has been added to the cron with reasonable check period.

